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Naturopathic Solutions For Acne

Naturopathic Solutions For Acne | Dawdy Naturopathic Clinic | Naturopath in Ottawa

Acne is a frustrating problem that affects a lot of people.

Its causes are not fully understood and there are many factors that can affect your development of it.

But, there are also a number of naturopathic solutions for acne that can also help with acne management.

I’m Dr. Kimberly Dawdy, a naturopathic doctor in Ottawa who can work with you to help manage your acne, naturally, while also reaching your overall health goals.

Now, let’s find out more.

What Is Acne?

Acne occurs when the secretions from your skin’s oil glands plug your pores, which are the small openings for your hair follicles.

Acne can take the form of blackheads if your pores are large and it can take the form of whiteheads if your follicle stays small.

Either type of congested pore can develop into pimples or tender inflammations.

They can even develop into deeper nodules, which are firm swellings below your skin’s surface that become inflamed and sometimes infected.

This is a type of acne called cystic acne.

Acne generally affects adolescents, but 20% of all cases occur in adults.

What Causes Acne?

The root cause of acne is not yet know.

But, while we don’t know exactly what causes it, we have a good idea about the many factors that contribute to the development of acne including:

Each of these factors can affect how your body produces oil, which in turn can affect whether you’re at risk of developing acne or not.

Remember, it’s the secretions from your skin’s oil glands that cause acne, so it makes sense that anything that drastically affects your oil glands will have an effect on whether you develop acne.

What DOESN’T Cause Acne?

We do know a few things that definitely don’t cause acne.

Stress is one of them.

Stress doesn’t cause acne, although it can exasperate it.

In the same vein, acne isn’t caused by a harmful diet, or poor hygiene.

They can both irritate it, but they don’t directly cause it.

Acne is most likely caused by heredity and hormones.

But don’t worry, while acne can be very frustrating we’re going to dive into a number of naturopathic solutions for acne.

Natural Solutions For Acne

There are a number of natural solutions for acne that can be a big help to you.

Keep reading to learn more.

1. Try An Elimination Diet

While the relationship between diet and acne is still being examined, there are a number of foods that may be associated with acne.

Specifically, if a food raises your blood sugar which causes a spike in insulin, it also increases your oil production.

This will potentially cause acne to develop.

Foods that raise your blood sugar tend to be processed foods, like:

  • Pop
  • Doughnuts
  • White bread
  • Candy

These foods have plenty of other health concerns associated with them as well, so it’s not a bad idea to drop them even if you aren’t dealing with acne.

Another food type to try eliminating is dairy, which is a common trigger for acne breakouts.

It’s also important to be intuitive and figure out what foods cause a reaction and which don’t for your body.

Just because doughnuts cause me acne, for example, doesn’t mean they’ll cause you acne.

Use Tea Tree Oil As A Naturopathic Solution For Acne | Dawdy Naturopathic Clinic | Naturopath in Ottawa

2. Use Tea Tree Oil On Your Skin

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that comes from a small tree native to Australia.

It is antibacterial and antimicrobial, and reduces skin inflammation.

Because of these properties, it’s been found that applying tea tree oil may reduce acne in the case of a breakout.

Just remember that tea tree oil can be very potent, so it’s a good idea to dilute it with a carrier oil before application.

3. Address Digestive Issues And Nutrient Deficiencies

Digestive issues and nutrient deficiencies can also lead to the development of acne.

One example of a nutrient deficiency directly linked to the development of acne is zinc.

Zinc is important for hormone production, cell growth, metabolism, and immune function.

Studies have shown that orally ingesting zinc led to an overall decrease in acne and the recommendation was to ensure that you get enough zinc within your diet as a preventative measure.

People with clear skin tend to have higher levels of zinc in their blood than those with acne.

If you’re struggling with acne, it’s not a bad idea to visit a naturopath for immune system and digestive support.

We can customize a dietary plan to meet your specific needs and address both your digestive issues and nutrient deficiencies.

4. Exfoliate Your Skin

Exfoliating, or removing the top layer of dead skin cells, may improve your acne because often it is dead skin cells that clog your pores.

You can exfoliate mechanically with a brush or scrub, or chemically with an acid-based product.

Exfoliating also makes topical treatments for your skin more effective by allowing them to penetrate deeper.

Exfoliating is an effective way to encourage facial rejuvenation as well, so it’s not a bad idea to incorporate it where you can.

5. Work On Managing Your Stress

Like I said before, there is a link between stress and acne, but it’s not fully understood yet.

Stress doesn’t cause acne, but the hormones released during stress may increase your oil production and inflammation, which makes your acne worse.

Some natural ways to reduce stress include:

  • Practice yoga
  • Meditate
  • Take deep breaths
  • Get more sleep

In order to be successful, try to pay attention to what triggers your stress and build a self care routine to combat those triggers.

Book Your Appointment With Dawdy Naturopathic Today

As you can see, there’s a lot of factors that affect acne development.

But, don’t worry.

Contact Dawdy Naturopathic Clinic today to get started on naturopathic solutions for acne.

I’ll create a personalized plan that will work to meet your health goals.

Book an appointment today with Dawdy Naturopathic Clinic.

I look forward to working with you.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Kimberly Dawdy, ND
Dawdy Naturopathic Clinic
6899 Sunset Blvd,
Greely, ON K4P 1C5


Dawdy Naturopathic Clinic offers a variety of naturopathic health solutions for individuals and families in Ottawa and the surrounding area.

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