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Health Benefits Of Magnesium

Health Benefits Of Magnesium | Dawdy Naturopathic Clinic | Naturopathic doctor in Ottawa

Magnesium is an important nutrient for human health.

It’s a mineral that’s abundant in your body and is used for a variety of functions, from creating proteins to producing energy.

Its health benefits can improve your blood sugar levels, mood, and heart health.

Magnesium naturally occurs in many foods that you can include into your diet.

There are also magnesium supplements that you can take if your diet isn’t providing enough of it and you have a deficiency.

I’m Dr. Kimberly Dawdy, a naturopathic doctor in Ottawa, and I want to share with you the numerous health benefits of magnesium.

What exactly is magnesium?

How can it help you?

Let’s take a closer look and uncover why magnesium is so important for your brain and body.

What Is Magnesium?

Your body needs both vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins are organic molecules your body needs to perform its basic functions.

That includes the vitamin alphabet – vitamin A, the 8 B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and so on.

On the other hand, minerals are made up of atoms that naturally occur in nature.

That includes calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, and of course, magnesium.

Magnesium is an important mineral that your body requires to properly function.

Every cell that’s in your body has magnesium and uses it.

Most of your magnesium is in your bones, but it’s also in your blood, muscles, and other soft tissue.

Magnesium helps your system perform hundreds of biochemical reactions.

This is why it serves as a cofactor, or helper molecule.

Magnesium assists your body in producing energy, creating proteins, maintaining your DNA and RNA, helping your muscles, and regulating your nervous system.

What Are The Benefits Of Magnesium?

It’s important to get enough magnesium for your body to perform at an optimal level.

Including magnesium rich foods, as well as supplements, can help ensure you’re getting enough of it.

There are numerous health benefits that can be associated with having an adequate amount of magnesium.

Let’s look at some of these health benefits in more detail.

1. It May Help With Anxiety And Depression

Anxiety and depression are mood disorders that can negatively affect your physical and mental wellbeing.

Anxiety can exaggerate feelings of worry and dread, while depression can leave you feeling hopeless, sad, and lethargic.

When it comes to brain function and mood, magnesium plays an important part.

Having a magnesium deficiency may increase your risk of feeling stressed and developing depression.

Feeling stressed can also cause you to feel symptoms of anxiety.

By taking an adequate amount of magnesium you may be able to reduce some symptoms associated with depression and anxiety.

More research is required to understand the correlation between magnesium and anxiety and depression.

However, magnesium is an important nutrient that affects your brain function and mood so it’s a good idea to make sure that you’re getting enough of it.

2. It May Improve Quality Sleep

Optimal sleep is essential to your overall health, including brain function, hormone production, exercise performance, and even immune system health.

RELATED: Can Sleep Quality Affect Your Immune System?

Not getting enough sleep can have numerous negative effects on your mood and body.

If you’re having sleep issues, such as insomnia, taking magnesium supplements may help.

Magnesium is responsible for regulating a number of neurotransmitters that are involved in sleep.

This includes gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA).

Taking magnesium supplements may help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and improve the overall quality of your sleep.

What Is Magnesium? | Dawdy Naturopathic Clinic | Naturopathic doctor in Ottawa

3. It May Improve Your Heart Health

Magnesium helps to maintain your heart health and may help decrease the risk of heart issues and complications.

Taking magnesium may help reduce blood pressure levels, which makes it easier for your heart to efficiently pump blood throughout your body and decreases the risk of heart disease.

Furthermore, magnesium may be able to help you regulate healthy blood sugar levels.

If you have type 2 diabetes you may also have a magnesium deficiency.

RELATED: Naturopathic Treatments For Diabetes

Insulin is a hormone that functions to maintain blood sugar levels.

Magnesium may be able to improve insulin resistance, and therefore aid in the management of blood sugar levels.

4. It May Improve Bone Health

The majority of magnesium in your body is located in your bones.

Magnesium can help maintain bone health and strength and may decrease the risk of osteoporosis.

Having a higher intake of magnesium may also help increase bone mineral density, which further reduces the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.

This can be especially beneficial as you age in order to maintain bone strength and integrity.

5. It May Improve PMS Symptoms

PMS is a condition that can pop up about a week or so before your period.

Common symptoms include:

  • Tiredness
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Irritability
  • Water retention

During the menstrual cycle magnesium levels can fluctuate.

This can lead to more acute PMS symptoms if you’re deficient in magnesium.

Taking magnesium supplements may help to reduce the severity of PMS symptoms.

What Foods Are High In Magnesium?

There are many dietary options that are rich in magnesium.

Aim to include healthy whole foods such as nuts, grains, legumes, fish, and seeds into your diet to help you get an adequate amount.

Some foods that have a high level of magnesium include:

  • Chia seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Avocado
  • Salmon
  • Halibut
  • Brown rice
  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Black beans
  • Edamame
  • Peanut butter
  • Spinach

What Does Magnesium Deficiency Look Like?

As we’ve discussed, magnesium has numerous potential health benefits.

Your body also uses it for hundreds of chemical reactions such as nerve and muscle function, energy and protein production, regulating blood pressure, and brain function.

Typically magnesium deficiency is caused by underlying health conditions and certain interactions with medications.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue

If left untreated, magnesium deficiency can cause more severe symptoms such as numbness, muscle cramps, seizures, irregular heart beat, and tingling.

Can You Overdose On Magnesium?

Taking magnesium supplements is typically considered to be safe without having any adverse effects.

However, it may be unsafe in people with certain medical conditions and those who take pharmaceutical drugs such as antibiotics, heart medications, and diuretics.

In some cases, taking magnesium can result in gut related issues like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Those with kidney issues may be more prone to experiencing negative side effects from taking magnesium.

If you don’t have any symptoms of magnesium deficiency and are getting an adequate amount from your diet, supplements may not be necessary.

Should You Take Magnesium Supplements?

Magnesium supplements can be beneficial for your overall health, as well as if you have a mineral deficiency.

If your daily needs aren’t being met through your diet alone, it may be a good idea to start taking magnesium supplements.

There are several types of magnesium, a number of which are more easily absorbed by your body than others.

These include:

  • Magnesium malate
  • Magnesium lactate
  • Magnesium aspartate
  • Magnesium citrate
  • Magnesium chloride
  • Magnesium taurate

Supplements come in a variety of forms, including powders, liquids, and chewable gummies.

Before you start adding a new supplement to your regimen, however, it’s a good idea to…

Book Your Appointment With Dawdy Naturopathic Today

If you’re concerned about your magnesium intake or want to know more about its potential health benefits, I’m here to help.

As an experienced naturopathic doctor, I can work with you to ensure you’re getting the minerals and vitamins your body needs.

Book your appointment with me, Dr. Kimberly Dawdy, ND, today.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Kimberly Dawdy, ND
Dawdy Naturopathic Clinic
6899 Sunset Blvd,
Greely, ON K4P 1C5


Dawdy Naturopathic Clinic offers a variety of naturopathic health solutions for individuals and families in Ottawa and the surrounding area.

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