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What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy, or homeopathic medicine, is a form of holistic medicine based on the idea that “like cures like.” At the heart of homeopathy is the philosophy that a substance taken in small amounts can help teach the body how to recognize and heal symptoms it would have caused if taken in large amounts.

Homeopathic remedies are intended to help stimulate the body’s own capacity to heal. By introducing a very small dose of a plant, mineral or animal substance, the body initiates its own inherent healing power.

Homeopathic remedies are created using a process of progressive dilution combined with vigorous shaking. This dilution process eventually transforms the substance from a material state to an energetic state. The final remedy contains not only a minute dose of the original active ingredient, but the fact it is administered in its energetic state is what makes it so safe for people of all ages.

Homeopathic remedies can be safely taken in conjunction with conventional medicine. Homeopathy can also be an excellent option in situations where taking normal doses of conventional drugs would be dangerous or inadvisable (e.g. during pregnancy).

What conditions can homeopathy help treat?

  • common ailments like headaches, coughs, colds, flus, stress, or insomnia
  • bumps, bruises and sprains caused by an injury or accident
  • skin conditions and irritations such as skin rashes, acne, eczema, or psoriasis
  • digestive disorders including indigestion, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s Disease, and obesity
  • ear, nose and throat problems like sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, vertigo, and tinnitus
  • allergies and hypersensitivities that weaken the immune system’s ability to fight off viruses
  • women’s and men’s health issues that relate to gynecological, hormonal and fertility concerns
  • mental/emotional imbalances related to stress, grief, anxiety, fear, and depression

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Dawdy Naturopathic Clinic
6899 Sunset Blvd,
Greely, ON K4P 1C5, Canada

(613) 574-0069

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